Xu Ge, Peng Yan, Wei Luo, Shiheng Liang, Yue Zhang
Terahertz magnon excitation in antiferromagnetic domain walls based on mass-energy equivalence
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Zhixiong Li, Xiansi Wang, Xuejuan Liu, and Peng Yan
Achieving unidirectional propagation of twisted magnons in a magnetic nanodisk array
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Xianglong Yao, Zhejunyu Jin, Zhenyu Wang, Zhaozhuo Zeng, and Peng Yan
Terahertz magnon frequency comb
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Chan Tang, Huanhuan Yang, Lingling Song, Xianglong Yao, Peng Yan, and Yunshan Cao
Competition of non-Hermitian skin effect and topological localization of corner states observed in circuits
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Zhizhi Zhang, Zhenyu Wang, Huanhuan Yang, Z.-X. Li, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan
Nonreciprocal spin waves driven by left-hand microwaves
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Zhenyu Wang, H. Y. Yuan, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan
Twisted Magnon Frequency Comb and Penrose Superradiance
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Huanhuan Yang, Lingling Song, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan
Observation of type-III corner states induced by long-range interactions
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Zhenyu Wang, Weiwei Bao, Yunshan Cao, Peng Yan
All-magnonic Stern–Gerlach effect in antiferromagnets
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Z.-X. Li, Zhenyu Wang, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan
Generation of twisted magnons via spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion
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Z.-X. Li , X. S. Wang, Lingling Song, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan
Type-II Weyl Excitation in Vortex Arrays
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